Originally posted by Dakota
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
The other one about the starting time of the clock in the game lost out to the inability of the chair to understand the proposal.
What's to understand? I hope this "chair" never has to conduct a rules clinic - how would s/he ever survive a question such as "Is the FLEX position what used to be the DP or the DEFO?"
The part that is misunderstood is that in the rule (5.10, I think) is that it mentions where a time limit is presently used which is JO ball. Some of these softball people cannot get past the fact that those levels which use a time limit are included in the rule only as a guideline, not as a mandate. The levels, class and circumstances under which a time limit is applicable is part of the CODE!
I pointed out to these folks that point along with the fact that there is a pending rule change for Senior ball which calls for a "1 hour plus 1 inning" limit it the games. There is also code which permits TDs to take whatever action necessary under certain circumstances (usually bad weather) to able a tournament to reach a conclusion. This includes the possibility of imposing a time limit.
I then noted that the point of encouraging them to get the clock started sooner than the first pitch sets the pace of the game which, in turn, may avoid the necessity of imposing a time limit which is definitely going to upset someone.
Even though I think I may have given a couple on the NUS something to think about, it will probably not pass the general council as there are too many people who just don't get it. I'm surprised that I'm getting the impression that there are a few folks who don't think umpires know that much about the game. Nother particular, just a sense I'm getting from some people to whom I've talked.
My other change (eliminating the 11" ball from Co-ed play) has been withdrawn. Though I have been told that there are women playing their game with a 12" ball, it seems some just believe the feasibility of making this change is a joke. Oh well.
Also, have had the please of the company of fellow poster, Scott and the previledge of meeting another member of this board from Ft Worth, Jay G.
Rule and code changes will be presented and approved/rejected by the general council on Thursday.
BTW, since Bike has gone out of business, ASA Properties are working with a manufacturer to produce a new pair of shorts. They will be the same color as the ball bag and long pants, have a metal, not plastic zipper and a secured snap. There was a question of inside or outside pockets. Unfortunately, Walt Sparks ran over the quick question posed to the audience, I'm not totally sure what recommendation will be offered. Personally, I prefer the outside pockets as that is where I keep my line-up cardholder and brush when I have an excess number of balls in the bag. Which, BTW, the ball bag with elastic is no longer available.
Henry Pollard was also questioned about rain gear. A year and a half ago at the UIC clinic, Henry took a poll of the UICs asking if they had any interest in foul weather gear. I routinely have umpires asking me if there is any chance of getting waterproof jackets. Henry noted a difference between a jacket being water "proof" or water "repellant".
Nonetheless, he said something is in the works, but will probably not happen unless they can be sure there is a viable market and the equipment will be in demand.
Speaking of uniform, the issue of a single uniform being declared by ASA for championship play. As it is now, the UIC calls the hosting association to determine what uniform(color combinations) they wear locally and install that as the tournament uniform. I was surprised to hear the majority of those who did speak were heavily in favor of the powder over navy as the standard.
There is a development taking place to create what is basically an "on call" list of qualified umpires who are capable of traveling to a tournament on short notice. Preferably four-weeks, but notice which may be as short as 24 hours. Here is the catch. The umpire may be required to foot their own transportation bill. It is going to be designated as the HHE, Host Help Exchange. This is multifunctional. I will help tournaments and UICs which have an unanticipated influx of teams at the last minute while giving qualified umpires a chance to work a NT/NC that they may not have normally been able to attend.
Also, the 2005 Bi-annual UIC Clinic (2/4-6/05) had been designated as the Big Bad Merle Clinic. Merle Butler is reportedly retiring at this clinic.
It's late and that is all I can remember for now.
I'll try to include an update Thursday night of rule and code changes which pass.