Originally posted by William C
Basically these LL need to be run by a group that will go to bat for the officials - in case there are problems.
We've had some success this year with improving the backing our association gets from the teams. One of our board members attended the Youth Football Board meetings to understand what is expected by the youth team leadership and share a perspective on what is expected by the officials. It's been a good relationship with a positive outcome.
I've ref'ed for a loooooong time -and have reached that stage that I don't need the experience/money / and especially the headaches a small group can give you.
As long as it isn't a headache - I'll do it -- but I have zero tolerance for any coach questioning a call -- absolutely zero. If they have a question - that's one thing - ask away. If they question our judgment -- that's another.
If you don't need the money, experience, and can't deal with the headaches, then maybe it is time to give up youth ball. In my opinion, doing this only for the money, experience, and expecting to not to have to deal with people who disagree with you is very short-sighted. And, if you want to walk away because coaches question your judgement, what gives?
Do you apply the same logic to Friday nights? Do you only take assignments where you don't get a headache?
Again, what's your motivation for being on the field? Is it making money, gaining experience, and not being questioned on every call OR is it to serve the kids and the game? Let's make sure we're in it for the right reasons. You can weather a lot of controversy (which I believe to be inherent in officiating) if you're there for the right reasons!