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Old Thu Nov 06, 2003, 09:02am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally posted by bethsdad
Use any rules you like.
That would be ASA, then.
What would you call if the batter bunts a ball that stops directly in front of the plate.The batters first step out of the box is on top of the ball.
Ha!! I like this one!

Assuming the PU saw all the exact sequence, position of foot, etc., this is a foul ball, because the ball makes contact with the batter before the batter is out of the box. The batter's foot is on top of the ball (not on the ground) and therefore the batter first makes contact with the ball before the foot is on the ground out of the box, therefore by definition, the batter is still in the box.

Now, in reality.... A likely call is dead ball, batter out, since PU will not have access to stop action slo-mo replay.
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