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Old Wed Nov 05, 2003, 07:50am
SC Ump SC Ump is offline
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Location: Columbia, SC
Posts: 994
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Boy, how pathetic are we that the only active thread is one debating the closing of another?
Okay, I guess it is the slow time of the season and time for us to get out our imagination caps and come up with a couple of plays. Here's a "gimme":

R1 on first leaves the base at the time of the pitch, going off four giant steps (without saying "Mother may I".)

When the catcher receives the ball, R1 stays off the bag while F2 fakes the throw toward first several times. R1 just stands. F2 final throws the ball to F1 and R1 gradually starts dawdling back toward first.

Without quick pitching, F1 pitches the ball before R1 gets to first. BR hits the ball in the gap between F8 and F9. R1 never retouched first base and took off running at the time the ball was hit, ending up on third with the BR at second.

What's the call?
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