Sit em down
I do not let players stand during play. If they stand to applaude a good play, dunk, block, etc. and sit back down immediately, it's ok. Several times this year I have had to warn a team to sit down. That is usually enough. I let the head coach have a lot of coaching box, in Arkansas with have a 12' box. That being said, I don't want the coach at or near the table unless it is to correct something. I usually give a warning which works most of the time. Assistant coaches are another matter. I don't let assistant coaches stand, use the box when the head coach is sitting, etc. Exception is 6th grade and under. I let them do all the coaching they need to at the lower level. When they start officiating, I warn the head coach that if his assistant gets a 'T' then he looses the box. That usually works. As long as the coach is coaching, I ignore him/her, when they start trying to help me officiate then I get in a different mode and will deal with the coach as warranted.
 Jerry Baldwin