Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Would the IHSA want the answers freely available to all officials even when the test is still being administered. If I remember my Illinois packet correctly, it came with a test but no answer key. And I had to enter the answers online or be put on probation. What does that tell you?
What it tells you, that they give it as an
open book test. And because they give this as an open book test and in many cases you have over a month to finish the test, they must know that officials go over the test together. They have to know that considering that officials attend meetings or know each other, they are going to share the answers. Because the IHSA lets us do the test online, we know almost immediately what are score is. If you get a 99 or 100, it is not that difficult to figure out which questions are wrong. The Part 2 Exam is the only that is taken on a specific day, with a time limit (2 hours) and only officials that are getting promoted have to take it.
Rich, I realize you do some games in Illinois, but if you were a member of any association in Illinois, you would see what they do. It is a very common practice for associations to go over the test. And I have personally belonged to associations from one end of the state to another. All of them do the same things as it relates to the Part 1. The answers are not top secret and officials in meetings and outside of meetings share the answers. Just the way it is. We are not like other states that put a premium on this test and if you get a certain score you advance in the playoffs. Much more to our playoff system than a stupid test.