7-2-5 Player numbering requirements include:
a. At the snap at least seven A players, five of whom must be numbered 50 to 79, shall be on their line of scrimmage. B players may be anywhere on or behind their line.
EXCEPTION: When A sets or shifts into a scrimmage-kick formation any A player numbered 1 to 49 or 80 to 99 may take the position of a lineman numbered 50 to 79. A player in the game under this exception must assume an initial position on his line of scrimmage between the ends and he remains an ineligible forward-pass receiver during that down unless the pass is touched by B (7-5-6b).
So if 80 doesn't take the place of 50 through 79 then he didn't use the exception. He may shift to an eligible position and become an eligible receiver.