Thread: test question
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Old Sun Oct 19, 2003, 08:28pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Lightbulb This is what I answered.

#64 If A1 and B1 create a held-ball situation before the possession arrow is set to begin the game, substitute A6 may enter to replace A1

False. I could not find any play in the casebook that allowed a substitution for a player that is mandated by rule to jump the ball, which A1 is required to do by rule in this situation. I would assume the same logic as if A1 had to shoot a FT. A6 would not be allowed to sub for A1 unless he/she is was injured. Do not see why this is any different.

#65 It is permissible to withdraw a player before the clock properly starts following his or her substitution into the game.


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