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Old Mon Oct 06, 2003, 08:25pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by BktBallRef

That doesn't have anything to do with a rules discussion where NFHS rules are being used. The rule is the rule. the 3 minute rule exists in all NFHS states, whether they follow it or not.
The rules are always the rules, but there is the NF Rules and there is reality.

Originally posted by BktBallRef

You've mistakenly argued a point before, then when it was pointed out that you were wrong, you say, "Oh, well...that's the rules in Illnois." Bull$hit!
No Tony, I am actually agreeing with you. But I seem to understand that states (worked in more than one in my career) have different expectations and practices that might be not exactly what is in the NF Rulebook. Part of the reason is the NF does not spell out everything and how everything should be handled. And I do not know if this is the way everyone does it, but were were told to not run the 3:00 minutes until the players are all on the field. Maybe because liability is local. But that is how we were instructed to do it. Mainly because there were many crews doing different things. The state wanted more uniformity, no different than how we were told to run and control the sidelines this year. And yes, that is an Illinois rule. And these procedures come from someone that is on the NF Football Committee.

Originally posted by BktBallRef

I know what this rule is, never said it wasn't the rule. We've just been told that we're not to concern ourselves with it since it isn't an issue within the game.
Never said you did not know what the rule is, just find it interesting that you seem to understand that a state can come up with their own procedure. Especially considering your previous statements. Nevermind that, whatever a state comes up with, can and will affect the game. Because it might determine when and how you throw a flag if a team is late. And that team being late might be different depending on the procedure that state has in place. And if you think I am making it up, ask any official that does a playoff in my state and see what they get in the mail about how to run their game?

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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