Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by Jay R
1. I know that team control exists on during a throw-in. What about when the FT shooter has yet to release his FT. Is there team control as well?
Actually, you're incorrect. Team control does not exist during a throw-in, nor does it exist during a FT.
Tony is correct; there is no team control during a throw-in. However, the confusion here comes from the fact that a foul committed by the inbounding team before the throw-in is completed is considered a Team Control Foul. The Team Control Foul in this situation is a strange sort of exception to the definition of team control.
So. . . no team control during the throw-in. That means that the throw-in can go into the backcourt from the frontcourt and still be legally touched first by a teammate of the inbounder.
However, if a teammate of the inbounder commits a personal foul before the throw-in is completed, it is a Team Control Foul and the offended player will not shoot FTs.
2. B1 commits a lane violation before A1's last FT is released. Subsequently, A4 commits basket interference. What happens? Would basket interference be ignored because of the lane violation?
The basket doesn't count and A1 gets another FT. [/B][/QUOTE]
I concur. The BI is NOT ignored, so no point can be scored b/c of the violation. However, A1 receives another FT b/c of B1's lane violation.