Well,...It takes two to Tango!....
The way you have it reported, seems to me the PU may have been out of line, but maybe not. Is this really the whole story though? "Through 1 1/2 good solid games with friendly chatter", are you sure ALL was good chatter? This may have been the culmination of some "not-so-good chatter".
From a personal standpoint, I try and give some lattitude to comments, I realize some calls will not be popular, or agreed with. When the line is crossed, then I will take action, and my line may be longer, or shorter than others.
"Thats awful" This I have heard before, and I don't like it, but can overlook it most times. There have been a couple of times when that was said that I knew yes, that was awful (meaning my call). When verbal attacks become more than opinions, that is when I take notice.
Quit stewing and move on. (easily said isn't it?)