Under the basket at the nearest 3 ft mark off the FTLE
out of bounds. ART. 3 . . . After a violation (9-4 through 9-13) by either team, a foul by either team before the bonus is in effect or any other stoppage in play, the throw-in lo- cation will be determined by the location of the violation/foul or the location of the ball when the stoppage occurs: a. If the throw-in is to be in the team's frontcourt, it shall be at either the near- est 28-foot mark along each sideline or the nearest spot 3-feet outside the lane line along the end line. (Diagram 5) b. If the throw-in is to be in the team's backcourt, the throw-in shall be at the designated spot nearest to where the foul, violation or other stoppage in play occurred.