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Old Fri Oct 03, 2003, 09:18am
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Location: Katy, Texas
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Conversation between me and a JV coach (with a pretty good team, I might add) last night. The QB had just thrown an overhand backward pass to the WR that went at least 3 yards backward (and about 20 yards laterally). WR didn't catch the ball, and ALL of the players knew immediately it was a fumble and scrambled for it.

Coach: Why didn't you blow that dead?!?!?!
Me: It was a backward pass, sir.
Coach: Right, an incomplete backward pass! It's our ball!
Me: No sir, a dropped backward pass is a live ball.
Coach: Jesus Chr---! How new are you! An incomplete pass is an incomplete pass! Dead ball!
Me: No sir, in laymans terms, an incomplete backward pass is just like a dropped pitch - it's live.
Coach: How can you call it a pitch, the quarterback's arm went over his head! This is absurd!
Me: Coach that's enough. I've got a game to call. Before I flag you, do me a favor and go talk about this play with your varsity coach (I'd seen him on the sideline, not really involved, but watching the game He's a very good coach, one of the few that I know of that REALLY knows the rules). I'm sure he can clear this up for you.

As soon as this happened, I knew I had to relay the conversation to you all in this thread.

Sure enough, about 10 minutes later I get a solid apology from the guy. He looked like he was pretty embarrassed.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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