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Old Tue Dec 10, 2024, 05:56pm
ilyazhito ilyazhito is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2018
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Crossing Over in College Basketball

I am currently a women's college basketball official at the JUCO level. In my experience, the games are better than high school girls, because the players are more talented than high school players. I have enjoyed working the college games I have had.

At the same time, I have been thinking about switching to men's college basketball, for several reasons. First, men's games would be more challenging to work, because the skill level and athletic ability are higher than for comparable women's games. Second, men's games start later. This means that I will have greater availability to work a men's game on a weeknight than a women's game.

For those of you who made the switch, how did it work? Was there anything about your officiating style that you had to change?
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