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Old Tue Nov 05, 2024, 03:53pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
This situation was discussed on the Forum about a few weeks ago.

It came up again last night at an IAABO Refresher Exam study group.

About a dozen and a half guys, including a few good "rules guys", couldn't come up with a consensus answer.

22) The throw-in spot for a backcourt violation is the nearest of the four designated frontcourt throw-in spots to where the violation occurred.Is the official correct?

IAABO answer: “Yes

Citation: 7-5-2

7-5-2: After an out of bounds violation in either the frontcourt or the backcourt by either team as in 9-3, the throwin shall be at the designated spot nearest to where the ball went out of bonds.

9-9 Backcourt Penalty: The opponent is awarded a possession throwin its frontcourt at one of the four designated spots nearest the violation.

IAABO You Make The Call
October 29, 2024


The team in white jerseys gained frontcourt status when White #3 saved the ball near the sideline. She threw it toward the division line, which landed in the backcourt. The ball now had backcourt status, when it was recovered by White #2 standing in the frontcourt.

This was correctly ruled a backcourt violation.

In most cases, a backcourt violation is caused by a player who has backcourt status. When this occurs, the ensuing throw-in should be awarded to the opponents in their frontcourt at the nearest of the four frontcourt designated throw-in spots.

In this case, the violation was caused by a player who had frontcourt status. Since the player had frontcourt status, the ensuing throw-in is a backcourt throw-in at the spot nearest to where the violation occurred.

In this play, the officials correctly awarded the ball in the backcourt along the sideline.

What says the Forum?
It's what I've been saying. Do a history search

And quit sharing your score on your test like it's a status symbol. It doesn't make anybody a rules expert. Knowing the rules on the fly in the heat of a game and doing the right thing make you a rules expert to be looked up to

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A-hole formerly known as BNR

Last edited by Raymond; Tue Nov 05, 2024 at 03:55pm.
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