... And A Basketball Game Broke Out ...
Fighting - Rule And Penalties
Be aware of signs of escalating tempers, gestures, actions, words from players, coaches and possibly spectators. Penalize when discovered, no warnings are necessary. Warnings most times carry little weight. Technical fouls and double technical fouls are deterrents. Our stripes are the deterrents! Get yourself close to the situation. In situations where rough activity might follow (players diving for loose balls, hard contact fouls, held ball situations, player(s) being knocked to the court), when you blow your whistle remain at the scene. Dont over-react but pause before leaving to report a foul or signaling a violation.
Fighting is a flagrant act and can occur when the ball is dead or live. Fighting includes, but is not limited to acts such as:
- An attempt to strike, punch, or kick an opponent with a fist, hands, arms, leg or feet regardless of whether contact is made.
- An attempt to instigate a fight by committing unsporting acts toward an opponent that causes an opponent to retaliate by fighting.
Rule 10 Fighting Penalty Summary
a. Players on the court:
(1) Corresponding number from each team double flagrant fouls, all participants are disqualified, no free throws are awarded, ball is put in play at the point of interruption (use the alternating possession arrow to resume play if there is no player/team control).
(2) Numbers of participants are not corresponding Flagrant fouls and disqualification for all
participants, two free throws are awarded for the offended team for each additional player, offended
team awarded a division line throw in.
b. Bench personnel leaving the team bench during a fight or when a fight may break out:
(1) Do not participate in the fight nonparticipants are assessed flagrant fouls and disqualified. The head coach is assessed a maximum of one indirect technical foul (regardless of the number leaving the bench). If the number leaving the bench for each team is corresponding, no free throws are awarded, and the ball is put in play at the point of interruption. If the number leaving the bench for each team is unequal, a maximum of two free throws are awarded the offended team, followed by a division line throw-in opposite the table.
(2) Participate in the fight all participants are assessed flagrant fouls and disqualified. The head coach is assessed one indirect technical foul for each person leaving the bench and participating in the fight. If the number leaving the bench for each team is corresponding, no free throws are awarded, and the ball is put in play at the point of interruption. If the number leaving the bench for each team is unequal, two free throws are awarded the offended team for each additional person leaving the bench, followed by a division line throw-in opposite the table.
Note: All fouls (except an indirect technical foul charged to the head coach) count toward the team's foul count in the half.
Administration to determine the order of incidents.
1. Layer the play from start to finish.
2. Determine first the actions on the court with the players in the game during the live ball and / or
dead ball period in which the initial incident occurred.
3. Determine players leaving the bench and not participating in a fight.
4. Determine players leaving the bench and participating in a fight.
1. Players or bench personnel who are ejected due to fighting are ejected to the bench area, not the locker room.
2. When fighting by bench personnel leads to coach ejection, the coach must go the locker room.
3. Do not get physical with the players, bench personnel, or coaches.
4. All fouls (except an indirect technical foul charged to the head coach) count toward the team's foul count in the half.
5. Two directs, or three indirects, or any combination equals ejection for head coach.
After the chaos officials should convene near mid-court as a crew to discuss the situation and maintain bench supervision. Do not allow coaches to enter this discussion. Ask for input from other game officials (scorers and timer) as you deem appropriate. Get the numbers of the fighters. Apply the rules and know exactly what you are going to say when you call both head coaches together to explain the situation. This is not a discussion period. Tell coaches they will be able to include their discussion points in their follow-up report and that our charge is to resume play in a safe environment and in a timely manner. If you do not believe you are able to resume play in a safe environment, write pertinent information in the scorebook and suspend the game. Report to your assignment commissioner after game concludes.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
I was in prison and you came to visit me. (Matthew 25:36)