Nevadaref indicated:
Handing the ball to a teammate inbounds during a throw-in is not allowed.
7.6.3 Situation B: During an attempted throw-in, A1: (a) holds the ball through the plane of the end line and then passes it; (b) steps through the plane (makes contact with the floor inbounds) before passing the ball to A2; or (c) holds the ball through the plane and hands it to A2. RULING: A legal throw-in in (a), but a throw-in violation in (b) and (c).
The post was from 2005 and that particular situation is no longer in print (to my knowledge).
1. Does anyone know why the case was removed?
2. Does anyone know the last year the case was in print?
3. Does anyone know if there is such a similar case in any NCAA book?