Count It ...
Originally Posted by BillyMac
I say three points, even if a pass from A1 (behind the arc) bounces off of A2's head (also behind the arc) and then enters Team A's basket. Does it meet all of the following criteria?
5-2-1 A successful try tap or thrown ball from the field by a player who is located behind the teams own 19'9" arc counts three points. A ball that touches the floor, a teammate inside the ark and official or any other goal from the field counts two points for the team into basket, the ball is thrown.
Wait, is a ball bouncing off of a player's head a "thrown ball"?
If we would count it (bounce off the head) for two, then we should also count it for three (behind the arc).
It's certainly not a "try", but it is a "thrown" ball.
Originally Posted by Valley Man
4-41-2 A try for field goal is an attempt by a player to score 2 or three points by throwing the ball into a teams own basket. A player is trying for goal when the player has the ball, and in the official judgment is throwing or attempting to throw for goal.
5-2-1 A successful try tap or thrown ball from the field by a player who is located behind the teams own 19'9" arc counts three points. A ball that touches the floor, a teammate inside the ark and official or any other goal from the field counts two points for the team into basket, the ball is thrown.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Fri Jan 05, 2024 at 06:31pm.