Rationale To Ignore ...
Originally Posted by Raymond
You said the rules as written wouldn't allow no officials to interpret the "body on the floor" play.
Never said that, or believed that, myself, just paraphrasing ( mimicking, sometimes sarcastically, or as a parody) past Forum members who had chosen to ignore the interpretation of the caseplay (and ruling differently in games) after its one and done appearance (using the "done" part as a rationale for their warped interpretation) in the casebook despite no relevant rule changes or interpretation changes after the citation vanished.
Originally Posted by BillyMac
The only way that young'uns can learn this specific “being tripped is not the same as tripping” interpretation is through the tradition of old, grizzled officials sitting around a blazing campfire with young'uns and telling oral stories.
Originally Posted by BillyMac
"How can an almost twenty year old case play that only appeared for a single year in the casebook and is no longer in the casebook be relevant to officials who have been officiating less than twenty years?".
"How many interpreters/trainers bring up this casebook play as a part of rookie instruction?".
"How can such an official explain this situation to a coach without the benefit of pointing it out in a casebook?".
"Sorry coach, I can't show you the play in the casebook but just go on the internet to the Official Basketball Forum and search for 2004-05 NFHS Casebook: 10.6.1 Situation E".
"Well, some anonymous official ... who goes by the username BillyMac, from a little corner of Connecticut ..., in an internet chat room says ..."
Over the years, my response to all of the posted opinions to ignore the casebook interpretation has always been consistently the same:
Originally Posted by BillyMac
While the caseplay may have vanished, the rules behind it are still in the rule book and there have been no relevant rule changes, or interpretation changes, to invalidate it.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)
Last edited by BillyMac; Wed Nov 15, 2023 at 06:27pm.