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Old Mon Oct 02, 2023, 01:50pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Changes (David Bowie, 1971) ...

I've changed my Misunderstood Basketball Rules list.

A player who steps out of bounds under the player's own volition and then becomes the first player to touch the ball after returning to the playing court and has gained an advantage has committed a violation. A player whose momentum causes that player to accidentally go out of bounds may be the first to touch the ball inbounds if an advantage is not gained and such player immediately returns inbounds. That player must have something in, and nothing out. It is not necessary to have both feet back inbounds.

And I've deleted this from the list: It is a violation for a player to intentionally leave the court for an unauthorized reason.

But we still have this:

It is a technical foul for a player to leave the playing court for an unauthorized reason to demonstrate resentment, disgust, or intimidation. It is a technical foul for a player to purposely or deceitfully delay returning after legally being out of bounds.

Everything sound "kosher" now?
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