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Old Tue Nov 22, 2022, 06:19pm
Cecil4 Cecil4 is offline
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EP, DP, FLEX points

Ignore pool play for this topic, but please comment on any or all of the lined sections.
This is USA Rule 4.4.G
G. (Junior Olympic Fast Pitch) Any batter listed in addition to the nine defensive players and DP if used. They can be listed anywhere in the batting order.

This wording in May 2022 Plays & Clarifications could be confusing, as teams can actually bat 11 (my bolding).

Section E also allows the use of the DP/ FLEX and bat 10 with an EP.

Play: (Fast Pitch) The team at bat is using an EP, batting 10 players and using the DP/FLEX. In the 3rd inning one of the 10 players in the batting order goes in for the FLEX to play defense. The plate umpire reminds the coach that this a substitution and they just went from 11 in the line-up, 10 in the line-up batting with the DP FLEX to 10 in the line-up with the FLEX now being out of the game.

Ruling: This is correct. When batting 10 and using the DP/FLEX if any of the 10 players play defense for the FLEX, the FLEX has left the game. Rule 4, Section 1C [1] [D&E] and Rule 4, Section 3E.


Rule 4.3.B says the FLEX will be placed in the 10th position in the lineup.

That does not allow for an EP pushing the FLEX down to 11th.

Or, does rule 4.4.G saying "anywhere in the batting order" allow the EP to be 11th.

Does "batting order" exclude the FLEX, a non-batter?


I also don't see in the rules that an EP can play defense for the FLEX. Rule 4.4.F "The person being batted for (FLEX) may be substituted for at any time, by a legal substitute or the DP for whom the FLEX is playing defense. "
Formerly CecilOne
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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