Originally Posted by Cecil4
Some things discussed sometimes:
1) When a pitcher is replaced by another, We should not have the "ceremony" of telling her about runners, outs, etc. instead of the coach.
Do you agree? Is it in writing somewhere?
2) We should not instruct players at all, like why a pitch was illegal, why the fielder obstructed, why a runner interfered, etc. That is the coach's job, even if we have to explain it to the coach. Do you agree? Is it in writing somewhere?
3) Are we exposed to people thinking favoritism if we react to a good play?
1) Baseball only perspective. No, the ceremony is usually about the umpire inserting themselves into the game although new umpires told to do this do not have that motivation and just don't understand and haven't been to a clinic. Aside, I hope no clinic is teaching this. But if you have someone who has told you to do this you might ask him if he wants you to run out to RF to brief that sub also. Another aside. In baseball I was taught the pitcher belongs to the PU. On a pitching change the BU drifts back to the line and counts pitches if his PU has to attend to the lineup and just flashes the number when asked. WTF are BUs lingering around the mound for? Sorry to say some BB rec leagues ascribe to this practice. Their UIC are smittys and we put a stop to it once the good umps make it to our level.