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Old Sun Feb 27, 2022, 05:25pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by Zoochy View Post
OK OK OK..... enough of the history of NFHS rules
What is the NCAA-M procedure if the player is OOB when they touch the inbounds pass?
Is this a THROW-IN violation and the ball goes back to the original spot? Or is this a player violation and the Throw-in spot is where the OOB player touched the ball? Or does NCAA-M go to a preassigned location for this type of OOB violation?
One way to help think about this scenario is to imagine if the touch were by either A or B.

If B3 were to touch the throw-in while being OOB, would you give the ball to A or B? Of course, it would be A's ball. Since you're giving the all to team A, that means the violation was on B1. Where did B3 violate? Where B3 touched the ball.

Now, if you were to replace B3 with A3, shouldn't the result be the the spot of the violation? And that would be where A3 touches the ball (while OOB).
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