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Old Sun Feb 27, 2022, 04:15pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Originally Posted by Zoochy View Post
OK OK OK..... enough of the history of NFHS rules

What is the NCAA-M procedure if the player is OOB when they touch the inbounds pass?

Is this a THROW-IN violation and the ball goes back to the original spot? Or is this a player violation and the Throw-in spot is where the OOB player touched the ball? Or does NCAA-M go to a preassigned location for this type of OOB violation?

After reviewing the play, the 3 college officials went back to the original location.
The situation described does not fall under any of the articles under Rule 9 Section 4, which is throw-in violations. Therefore, I would have had the throw-in be at the new spot.

I have not found anything directly on-point in either the rulebook or the case book.

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