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Old Sun Feb 27, 2022, 03:02am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
Not to hijack this thread, but for background information, in ancient times this was a NFHS throwin violation (thrower must release the ball on a pass directly into the court). Ancient casebook plays (written in hieroglyphs) indicated that the ball goes back to non-inbounding team at original throwin spot, no matter who touched the ball out of bounds.

We have some local grizzled high school veteran officials who will still occasionally kick this call.

Not many, most guys (and it was only guys back then) who knew the ancient rule are either retired, or dead.
If I recall correctly, the old rule was out of bounds at the spot where the ball was touched by the non-throwing player, but the NFHS messed up an unannounced editorial change about fifteen years ago that sent the ball back to the original throw-in spot. That ruling only lasted a couple of seasons and then returned to as it was before.
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