Art Hyland has posted a correction.
"1. Paragraph 2 of the Bulletin – The “Ruling” in the Play Situation is incorrect. Replace with the following: Ruling – There shall be no free throws awarded. (Rule 7-3.1.i) Play shall resume with a throw-in by Team A at a designated spot nearest to the point of interruption. This ruling is based on the definition of “Point of Interruption”. The POI is determined by the location of the ball at the time of the interruption and the team in control. 2. Rules Book Corrections A. Rule 7-4.7 - Delete “nearest to where the foul occurred.” B. Rule 7-4.8 - Delete “nearest to where the foul occurred.” Since both Articles include the types of fouls that are covered in Rule 4-28.1 “Point of Interruption”, the resumption of play should be based on team control and the location of the ball at the time of interruption and not the location where the foul occurred. Thanks to all of you who took the time to point out these errors."
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A-hole formerly known as BNR