Not A Dribble ...
Thanks for your input Raymond. It's greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by BillyMac
When an airborne shooter fumbles the ball (while still in the air) instead of releasing the ball on a try, unintentionally drops the ball, and then returns to the floor and secures possession of the ball, it’s ...
Originally Posted by Raymond
The significance of being able to recover a fumbled ball is that it's not considered a dribble, therefore you wouldn't be committing an illegal dribble. You can however fumble ball and commit a travel if you jump in the air, fumble the ball, and then retrieve the ball.
Makes sense. But doesn't one have to be holding a ball at the same time one illegally moves a pivot foot to travel?
Originally Posted by Raymond
There is a difference between jumping in the air and purposely dropping the ball and jumping in the air and fumbling the ball.
While the intent is certainly different, wouldn't you say that both of these are travel violations (based on your post above)?
Still waiting for that ah-ha moment that I almost always get from Raymond, and others, when I'm stymied. Not quite there.
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“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)
Last edited by BillyMac; Wed Dec 15, 2021 at 03:43pm.