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Old Tue Jul 13, 2021, 08:42am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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My Evil Plan ...

Originally Posted by Raymond View Post
"Is this treated as any other "wrong way" basket, two points counting for the team that "owns" the basket?" So are we supposed to take it now that you are being disingenuous when you ask a question? Your goal is really to be some kind of passive aggressive proxy for other officials who, in your estimation, need guidance? ... people asking questions they obviously already know the answer to just to draw attention to themselves.
2.10.4 SITUATION B: The officials erroneously permit A1 to shoot technical foul free throws at Team B’s basket; A1 makes both free throws. When the error is discovered, the time frame for the correctable error (a) has not passed; or (b) has passed. RULING: In (a), cancel the successful free throws by A1 and administer the free throws again at the correct basket. In (b), the free throws by A1 shall not be canceled and count toward Team A’s point total.

While not a perfect description, Raymond came pretty close.

Until Mike Goodwin posted it, I was unable to specifically pinpoint 2.10.4 SITUATION B, but I was somehow "aware" of the interpretation, possibly through my original training forty years ago, or through my service on my local board's rules training committee several years ago. Or it could have been mentioned by one of local interpreters at one, or more, of our 200 local board meetings over the past forty years. Or maybe at one of the many seminars I've attended. Maybe even here on the Forum.

So that nebulous, "fuzzy" idea (not counting free throws points at the wrong basket for the non-shooting team) was in the back recesses of my mind as I pondered the need for free throws at the wrong basket to be a correctable error. Why correct it if we're never going to count the the points for the "wrong" team? I was conflicted, and confused.

I was 100% certain that a team’s own basket was the one into which its players try to throw the ball, but I was "fuzzy" (but still somewhat "aware") of some type of exception.

My big mistake was looking for guidance solely in the rulebook, and not including the casebook in my research. I was quite pleased when I finally came up with 4-5 (mistake by officials resulting in a team going in the wrong direction), but it still left unanswered my question regarding the need for free throws at the wrong basket to be a correctable error. After finding the 4-5 rule citation, I should have followed up with a deep dive into the casebook, but I didn't.

I'm not proud of this, but I stopped reading the entire casebook annually cover to cover a few years back, now only reading it when I have a specific written rule exam question, or a specific "real game" question.

Luckily Mike Goodwin came to the rescue. His citation of 2.10.4 SITUATION B was the cherry on top of the hot fudge sundae, confirming something that I was already aware of (but was unable to confirm with a citation).

My question, "Is this treated as any other "wrong way" basket ... points counting for the team that "owns" the basket?", was not asked to draw any attention to me, but rather an attempt to confirm, with the help of the Forum, something that I was already aware of. It was for my own education, and possibly the education of others.

Evil plan accomplished.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Tue Jul 13, 2021 at 01:49pm.
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