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Old Sun Jun 13, 2021, 06:30pm
BillyMac BillyMac is online now
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Instigate, Retaliate ...

Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
Is it taunting? Probably not (but it could be). Is is baiting? Probably not (but it could be).
4-18: Fighting is a flagrant act and can occur when the ball is dead or live. Fighting includes, but is not limited to combative acts such as: An attempt to strike, punch or kick by using a fist, hands, arms, legs or feet regardless of whether contact is made. An attempt to instigate a fight by committing an unsporting act that causes a person to retaliate by fighting.

Ball handler A1 picks up her dribble and is unable to immediately find a teammate to pass to. Defender B1 gets inches away from A1 and yells "Dead. Dead. Dead" (repeating it over and over) directly into A1's face in an extremely loud, irritating, annoying, and obnoxious manner, attempting to get under A1's skin, and trying to panic A1. A1 punches B1.

Who gets tossed? Just A1, or both A1 and B1?

I'm not saying that I know the right answer, or that I believe that both should be tossed, but it's certainly worth thinking about.

Just sayin'.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Mon Jun 14, 2021 at 05:44pm.
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