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Old Mon Apr 05, 2021, 10:26am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Celosia (Cockscomb) ...

Originally Posted by Mike Goodwin View Post
If I could figure out how to shrink pictures on this forum, I would include them.
Use Google Images (searches for internet photos based on a photo rather than words). Click on the camera icon. Load your photo (internet address or from your hard drive). See if there are Medium or Small versions of the photo on the internet. Right click and copy photo's internet address. Post smaller photo on the Forum using the Forum Insert Image icon.

It's an amazing tool. I came across a flower that I wanted to know the name of. Took a photo, put it on my hard drive, used Google Images, found a similar photo, clicked on the website that contained the photo of the flower, got the name of the flower, Celosia (Cockscomb). So easy a caveman can do it. I use it a lot to find better photos (better than the photos that I first find) for the articles that I write on our kayak paddle group website describing history, geography, ecology, etc., of the locations that we paddle and visit.

To post your own photos on the Forum, use an image hosting website, like Flickr (I'm sure that there are others), to post your photos (set up an account, set a password, and use cloud upload icon), which will generate an internet address for them. Again, right click on the Flickr (or other) photo to get an internet address and copy and paste the photo's internet address to the Forum. Easy peasey lemon squeezy.

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“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)

Last edited by BillyMac; Mon Apr 05, 2021 at 01:17pm.
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