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Old Sun Apr 04, 2021, 07:56pm
Mike Goodwin Mike Goodwin is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
Sorry. Not playing with you today. I've been punished by one time out in fifteen years here on the Forum. I don't want another one.

You came close to getting me suspended a few weeks ago for your reply, and my follow-up reply, to a Paradise By The Dashboard Light reference.

Encourage me to get in trouble once, shame on me. Encourage me to get in trouble twice, shame on you.
Absolutely, positively not my intent, BillyMac; not even close.

With all sincerity, I apologize to you for being on the brink of getting suspended.

Kindly note, moderators & administrators: 'Twas I who engaged BillyMac in the exchange of song titles and lyrics. I've seen the work of BillyMac for at least a couple of years now and I know how & when to scroll past things that appear off topic. With the increase in the number of FB pages with "referee," or "rules," or "basketball officiating" in their titles, my guess is that traffic to this site has decreased (although I do see some names that are very familiar to both here and that Zuckerberg product). That said, this is likely the single, best place on the 'interweb' to be able to search for anything basketball-rules related, especially with NFHS rules.

I regret my decision to engage in a little, slightly off-the-main-topic inclusion of thing(s) that might just make a personal connection between two human beings with a decades-long love for a shared avocation (that is, sports officiating) that otherwise might not occur with 4,400 actual miles or so between us.

Lord know this isn't the first mistake I've made, and it certainly won't be the last.

Happy Easter everyone!
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