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Old Sun Apr 04, 2021, 03:23pm
Stat-Man Stat-Man is offline
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins View Post
Slapping the table makes this perilously close to a T.

I'm sure it's just some sort of faulty display on the clock -- when the minutes are zero, the center horizontal row of lights turns on.

Don't the stripes on the officials' shirts seem too wide?
Assuming there has been no previous bench warning issued, I think this at least should be a warning because the coach has to leave the box to slap the table and make the "Call the foul!" comment. Depending on his behavior up until that point or his reputation, I would also understand if the officials went straight a technical foul without a warning.

There is something wrong with the clock inset in that there's some sort of "streaks" covering over some of the scoreboard lights. With the top part of the 7 not displaying, it looks like there's 1 minute to go when this clip starts instead of 7.

I can't remember which but I believe at least one state wants basketball officials to wear wider (2-inch?) stripes for their uniform.
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