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Old Sun Mar 21, 2021, 04:35pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
I think I am pretty sure the answer but wanted to check for clarification as I have had a little trouble finding it online.

High School NFHS - DH rule

Player is listed as DH, hitting for the SS - 4th inning, tight game, DH who doesnt have much speed singles. If the SS were to enter the game offensively for the DH to pinch run, the use of designated hitter is done for the game and now the SS takes that spot in the order.

Im 99.9% sure when the spot comes around again say in the 6th, the original DH could re-enter into that batting order spot (though not as the DH (since usage now done), he would assume a defensive position potentially at this point) and hit since the DH was a starter and is coming in with normal re-entry rule. What I am unclear about is whether then when the team goes back out on defense the next inning, could the SS then "re-enter" to play defense? Since both were starters, do both get 1 "re-entry"? The player who was DH, subbed to run, then hit, then out again would be done for the day I know that.
Yes to all the above.

See 3.1.4C (2017 reference) for most of it.
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