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Old Thu Dec 31, 2020, 09:53pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
There was no injury or blood in the OP so your point is moot. Intentional fouls and F1 fouls are enforced exactly the same way. Bringing “college rules” into this discussion with the coach serves no purpose.

It’s okay to admit you were wrong.
Actually, they are not exactly the same. They are in principle but as stated when a player is injured there is a different application. It is OK that you did not know the difference, not my issue to make. You did not ask the question. Because chances are the coach is asking a question from a higher level and does not know the difference. I am just fine with my position until clarified by the OPer who might tell us that there was a technical foul, which clearly the coach of his own team can pick the shooter or he thinks because an intentional foul is called he has some say (which he doesn't).

I'm good with my answer and Bob made a good point it does matter if it is an Intentional Technical foul which was not my thought process because a different shooter can be than the offended player (if there is one).

You can admit you are making this harder than it has to be. Not trying to be right, trying to explain what my answer would be to move on from that conversation. Worked all these years in multiple sports BTW.

You can tell a coach whatever the hell you wish to tell them when you are talking to them. We are not the same people and not the same experience. I know there are things I say you could never get away with when dealing with the right coach. So I will say what works for me and you can state what works for you.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)

Last edited by JRutledge; Thu Dec 31, 2020 at 10:18pm.
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