Originally Posted by The_Rookie
Let's go to the next issue..Kneeling during the National Anthem. NBA referees knelt the other night. On the High School and College level, what if members of the crew are split on this..some kneeling and others not?
The NBA as a league and organization (smaller group of people) are on board with these things. I guess a college or high school official can do what they want, but that does not mean something will not do something to them as a result. I guess it really comes down to the supervisor, but it also comes down to the leagues and their policies. There were not many officials doing this before, so I doubt they will do it now. That being said leagues and supervisors might want to be careful with trying to punish officials as you are opening yourself up for some kind of litigation if you make it an issue.
This was asked a few years ago at a college meeting with combined staffs and one of the supervisors (who is no longer assigning that league anymore) told everyone this is freedom of speech. Now I never heard of anyone doing this, but at least he did not say he would react negatively, but something tells me that would not be the response if such a thing took place. This will be handled for certain on a case by case situation.