Tue Jul 21, 2020, 05:28pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,241
Originally Posted by Robert Goodman
My only question would be whether time expired for the game. Since you described a long live ball sequence as occurring "last 30 seconds", I could imagine its having consumed it all.
Assuming no touchdown was scored, team B could then decline the penalties and the dead ball fouls never officially occurred, because the game was over. If a touchdown did occur, team B could accept the penalty for illegal forward pass, and with the loss of down the game would still be over, and still no dead ball fouls. If the league they're in wants to assess additional outside-the-game penalties (suspension, no cookies, whatever) for the players' behavior afterward, that's on them.
Good point, no, the game did not end on that play.