The latest in Maryland, retyped by me.
All youth and amateur sports gatherings and events may resume sporting and other customary operations as of 5 PM on June 12th and 5 PM on June 19th for indoor activities. May not be open to the general public. Indoor activities are restricted to 50% of capacity and six feet distancing whenever possible. To the extent possible, individuals engaged in the sport and at the venue shall wear face covering especially when distancing is not feasible.
Latest in Delaware, generally seen as nonsense, starting June 15th, also retyped by me.
PU behind pitcher. Catcher 6 feet from batter or not used. No stealing second, so F3 can social distance. Ball rotated out frequently and disinfected between innings. Equipment should not be shared. Distancing in dugouts and stands. Base coaches distanced from others. No community water cooler, spitting, gum or seeds. Teams should use their own set of game balls. Spectators under gathering rules.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.