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Old Tue Feb 04, 2020, 01:46pm
LRZ LRZ is offline
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If there were insufficient players to continue the game, I would think a double forfeit is appropriate. To keep the score at the time of the fight would reward one team at the expense of the other, when there's no way to know whether the losing team might have, could have, come back. A double forfeit as the penalty for fighting would be applied equally.

If you determine that there were players not ejected and sufficient to continue, but the officials deemed it unsafe to continue the game with diminished benches (the R's report should make this apparent or clear), it would seem appropriate, in my judgment, to pick up the game from that point, with the remaining players.

If you are reviewing the tape to also determine the propriety of the ejections, I could live with that. A slew of players and coaches, all rushing the floor, in the hectic heat of the moment? I can see how referees could easily make errors in who they eject. This is unlike reversing a block/charge or goaltending, for example.
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