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Old Fri Jan 10, 2020, 02:06pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Jim Cast View Post
es it happened to me, lower level Middle school game. The defense set up in a zone defense and just stood there. The offense just stood there waiting for someone to put pressure on them, no one moved, so we all just stood there. I and my partner shrugged at each what do we do? In about 15 seconds the defense did move towards the ball and the offense did pick it up. But after the game my partner and I asked what would we have done if no one picked it up.

The coaches have both agreed to shorten the game per 5-5-3.

While there's no specific guidance on how to handle it, I'd blow the whistle, ask each coach how long s/he wants to let this play go on, and subtract the smallest answer form the remaining time. Readminister the throw-in.
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