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Old Sat Nov 02, 2019, 12:05am
HLin NC HLin NC is offline
Chain of Fools
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,648
Assuming we' re talking NFHS rules. NCAA might differ.

What part of the enforcement does A think is incorrect?

The live ball fouls all offset and the down is replayed back to 3/10 at B18.

A67's punch is a personal foul and ejection. B90's taunt is USC (and in NC would also be an ejection). Since it reads as if those two fouls occurred before either could be enforced, they would now offset so we're still at 3/10 at B18. B's USC would now be a half the distance enforcement to the B9.

Yes, it sounds as if this sordid mess was enforced correctly based on the info you provided.

For B's coach taking a sub-varsity game this seriously, I would recommend he take up smoking pot. Dude is wound way too tight.
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