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Old Tue Oct 15, 2019, 05:40pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Touch Me In The Morning (Diana Ross, 1973) ...

Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
4.15.4 SITUATION A: As dribbler A1 attempts to change directions to avoid guard B1, he/she allows the ball to come to rest in one hand in bringing the ball from the right to the left side of the body. A1 pushes the ball to the floor in an attempt to continue the dribble. RULING: When A1 palmed/carried the ball, the dribble ended and when he/she pushed the ball to the floor a violation occurred. (9-5)
Doesn't answer the original post.

This is a carry, the illegal dribble variety, not a travel, and there's no indication that a pivot foot has been lifted as stated in the original post.

Regarding 4.15.4 SITUATION A, it states "in an attempt to continue the dribble" which makes this situation real easy.

What if it was stated without that phrase?

NEW SITUATION: As dribbler A1 attempts to change directions to avoid guard B1, he/she allows the ball to come to rest in one hand in bringing the ball from the right to the left side of the body. A1 then pushes the ball to the floor.

Could this be the start of a bounce pass, possibly a real ugly bounce pass, and wouldn't one have to wait to see if it was a dribble by noting if A1 touched the ball again?
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