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Old Tue Sep 10, 2019, 10:05am
bisonlj bisonlj is offline
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Originally Posted by HLin NC View Post
Week 1)- My best guess is the PCO misunderstood the WH's instruction in pregame because he didn't set the :40 until the U backed away from the ball on every play. He had been told that would be only on a 1st down in-bounds with clock running for the U to insure the box was set. All other plays were to go off the DB or INC signal.
This has been reported as an issue but I put that blame mostly on the referee who doesn't know the rule. He's probably getting a lot of other rules wrong too if he doesn't understand this one. I've heard we still have some referees after 4 years who don't have that on straight. I'm guessing they are getting the game clock and play clock confused.
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