Originally Posted by bisonlj
It was extremely thought out. Indiana tried to do an experiment 4 years ago but didn't go through the proper channels so we had to wait a year. In the past 3 years I believe at least 3 or 4 states have experimented with it.
Your issues all seem to be very local and things that should have been addressed regardless of the 40 second play clock. Bad ball boys. One ball per team the entire game. Sounds like a problem that definitely needs a solution and the rule indirectly solves it (not the intent but definitely a benefit). If your state doesn't recognize that and do something about those issues that is a problem with your state and not the NFHS rule.
All the states that did the experimental rule had people that are college officials as their administrator of the sport.
Also not sure what you mean by very local? You mean the entire state? I was not referring to my immediate area. You realize I live in some of the most affluent areas in the state of Illinois and those schools do not have play clocks and in some cases turf. But turf is very common here and that was often a bone of contention with school districts to provide. Most of the schools also are bigger schools that are like from 6A to 8A (we have 8 classes) with over 2000 students (or more) in those schools depending on the school's size. Again, we do not have ball boys. Worked two scrimmages and no mention of having any ball boys. So you keep trying to convince me of something that no one has a plan for. The state's solution was to approve more balls per game (something we already did BTW for bad weather games). It might have been well thought out at the local level with the people doing the experimental rules, but that does not mean it was well thought out by the others. Again, not the biggest deal, but there we did not take the college approach to this which is what my issue was from jump. And to me, this does not make everything perfect in football. IT is just a rule change. All NF rules changes are not well thought out. And it really was not well thought out if lower levels have 2 officials working games in many cases. Heck, we do not even have game clocks in many lower-level games at all. But hey, it was well thought out right?
Just like other things the state could have said or put in a procedure for ball boys just like they do when it comes chain crews. They have a suggested procedure that we as officials can refer to and it is so common we do not have to even address basic things.