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Old Wed Sep 17, 2003, 02:47pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally posted by archer
I want JEL to ump my games. 3 or 4 inches? Please! 12 to 24 inches? Yes call it. What advantage is gained with 3 to 4 inches?
I was looking for some honest dialog (true confessions?) from umpires on whether they call this technical violation. I have never called it, even though I see it fairly often.

However, since you brought up the "no advantage" rubric, I have to ask this... If there is no advantage gained by placing the foot at the very front edge of the plate so that the push off is in front of the plate on the dirt, then there is no disadvantage to moving the foot back on the plate at the start so the push off is from the front edge of the plate, right? Therefore, move it back.

I think I'll go with Dave's suggestion in the future. Warn the first time. Call it thereafter.

I'm still interested in what other umpires actually do with this situation. Call it? Warn & call it? Ignore it?