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Old Thu Jun 20, 2019, 07:02pm
teebob21 teebob21 is offline
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Originally Posted by Andy View Post
The interpretation I've heard is that a change of direction is considered a "stop".

Because if you're going one way, you have to "stop" going that way to go a different way.
Andy, I'll take this to it's logical extreme....what about a "loop"? A runner could turn all the way around back to 1B by running in a short circle without stopping, then proceed in the direction of 2B by curling the other way, again without stopping.

In this TWP situation, I'm going to judge an attempt to advance towards a particular base (and commitment to that base) when the runner is headed in that direction, but by rule if I run figure-eights all the way to 2B, have I ever stopped??
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