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Old Sun Jun 09, 2019, 09:35pm
bucky bucky is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
This new rule seems to have a least one hole...

Arrow to B. After a try by A1, A5 dunks the ball on a rebound/put-back. An official calls BI on the offense (A) and cancels the basket. Upon review, the BI is overturned. Since the BI call made the ball dead at the time of the suspected infraction, and there is no mention of now counting the goal doesn't seem to be counted.. B gets the ball due to the AP arrow. If the goal was to be counted, why would you go to the arrow?

That doesn't seem at all just. A loses the points and the ball or A gets the points and might get the ball (if they have the arrow).

While there was clearly a need for a change, I don't think this is quite right.

Similarly, it is not just for a defender grabbing a rebound that is called for BI and it isn't. The defender obtained possession. It shouldn't go to the arrow when there is immediate possession that was believed to be BI/GT.
I think it should be a delayed violation until any player on the floor gains control or the next dead ball, whichever comes first. On a put back like a tip dunk, review after ball goes through hoop (dead ball). If incorrect call, give ball to other team with baseline privileges. If no immediate put back, wait until player possession on the floor, then review. If incorrect call, allow rebounding team to retain possession. If call correct, add elapsed time. Mechanic for delayed violation could be pointing at the rim area. Stupid idea? Thoughts?

New shirts/jackets, lol. Another way for someone to make more money. Scam city. Don't get me started on soccer jerseys.

Originally Posted by MechanicGuy View Post
I don't like using the term "flopping" in the text of the rule. Opens the rule up to too much interpretation, compared to "faking being fouled."
"To penalize flopping/faking being fouled by players...."

They are used interchangeably. Besides, both words end in "ing", which means they are open to interpretation.

"Following a call by an official involving either swinging of the elbows (cylinder play) or a hook and hold play,
the official may use instant replay to review and adjudicate the play by removing fouls, assessing fouls or
concluding that no foul occurred."

Well, during any type of may-have-been-illegal contact, just blow the whistle and know that you have a free pass to adjudicate. It's like the ultimate delayed call.
If some rules are never enforced, then why do they exist?

Last edited by bucky; Sun Jun 09, 2019 at 09:49pm.
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