Thread: Clock Situation
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Old Tue Sep 16, 2003, 02:32pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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With 5 (and occasionally with less when it can be worked out), one of us usually handles the clock on the field, just in case, in situations near the end of a quarter. On this one, whistle blows, and 2 seconds later, whoever's got the clock blows it dead.

This almost exact situation happened here just last night. But it was a whopping 10 seconds (and the 2nd quarter, making this more important). R blew it ready after a 1st down (on defense's 20 yd line or so), and LJ (3-man crew) started his watch. R and I (HL) are both winding our arms like windmills, to no avail. 10 seconds pass without the offense snapping the ball. LJ blows it dead - halftime.

We usually tell both coaches we keep the clocks on the fields in case of mechanical (or human) error as a backup. We got no argument from the coaches on this one.

Once you let them snap it, though, you've got to let them play it - too late to fix it then.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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