Thread: 2019-2020 POE's
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Old Fri Feb 08, 2019, 11:00am
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
That is the key to all of this. I worked with someone last night that claimed he was upset with an assignor because he was getting off a lower level game to work a varsity game. He was complaining that the assignor wanted him to find a replacement for his he was getting off the sophomore game for and said the assignor should find a replacement for the game on his own. Well, that is not likely to help that official in the long run and he is not someone that is a necessity to that assignor (not a state final guy or a sectional guy in the playoffs). Clearly, this is one of those things that with the right person, might put you at the bottom of the list if you cannot handle their requests. This guy thought he was in the right (and still does) but I told him that this particular assignor is likely old school and feels that is the way you should do when you are moving up. The official felt that because we use Arbiter, we should not have to do that in any way.

The bottom line, there really is no right or wrong on what should be done, except the assignor sets the parameters. And if you want to continue to work for them, you likely are going to have to follow their little rules or standards.

Last season a D3 supervisor called me at 11:00pm at night to work a game for him the next evening, when I already had a JuCo game scheduled for another assignor. He said b/c his was a higher level game he expected me to take his game.

I couldn't get in touch with my JuCo assignor until the next morning, and he told me would release me but I needed to find a replacement. Luckily one of my HS assignors worked with me in 2 college conferences (including the JuCo) and he released one his officials (also in the JuCo conference) from a HS game to fill in for me.

Expectations and relationships drove that whole situation.
A-hole formerly known as BNR

Last edited by Raymond; Fri Feb 08, 2019 at 11:07am.
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