Thread: 2019-2020 POE's
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Old Thu Feb 07, 2019, 05:19pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by CJP View Post
I don't have an assignor. Neither do many of my peers. It is possible to make the wrong coach upset and not get contracts. I think even having the perception that this can happen will deter a brown nosing official from addressing bad behavior. This is not a one size fits all solution. Even if it is a possible solution. It is clear that there are shortages of officials in some areas partly due to poor sportsmanship. Whatever is going on in these areas is not working and a change is due.
Well, I do. Most of Illinois does at this time. And this is not an issue with many conferences. I know assignors that might not put officials in bad situations on purpose. But I know assignors that are not preventing certain officials to go to certain schools. And in those places that have assignors, that does not solve this issue you suggested it would. And I do not know how the NF controls any of that at all. The NF does not assign anything in states.

Actually, I think there are more issues related to a shortage. They found that out when they asked officials in our state that there were other issues.

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