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Old Fri Dec 21, 2018, 02:52pm
ilyazhito ilyazhito is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post


Schedule mix up? Partner in car accident on way to game? Partner twists ankle in first minute?

You would just refund everybody's ticket price, tell the kids to get back on the bus and go home, and turn off the lights when you left the gym?


Doesn't sound very professorial, and doesn't sound like you've been to any rodeos, or have been around the block at least once.

Here in Connecticut we have statewide written one person mechanics guidelines in place (mostly common sense), seldom used, but they're there because one doesn't officiate very long until one eventually uses them.
Billy, I would wait for my partner and/or a replacement to show up. If I have an official for next game watching, I would enlist him/her. If my partner is in traffic, I would delay the game and explain this to both coaches. If my partner is injured and no alternate official is available (no official for a future/prior game/official who is working as a clock operator), I would gather both coaches and explain to them that I cannot continue the game, because I alone would not be able to provide proper floor coverage to ensure the safety of their players. I would not open myself up to a lawsuit for an injury caused by working 1-person mechanics that happens due to a play that I cannot see.
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